Meet the Author

I started this blog because I have always wanted to learn how to do everything.

I want to talk about it and explain how I did it and how you can do it too... partly for the Public Good and mostly so it's written down and will help me remember what the heck I did.

Most of the product links are Amazon Affiliate links so a girl can make a few extra pennies.
I don't link or promote products I don't like or have never used.
I reserve the right to gush like a moony-eyed fan girl about products I love.

I'm an underemployed graphic artist, new media consultant and small business marketer.
I've become extremely disillusioned with the current state of the world of work and would give my eye teeth to work for someone who's smarter than I am and doesn't need to continually prove it...
... or who isn't smarter than I am and has the good sense to give me the ball and let me run with it.

I'm a tenacious, detail oriented, problem solver who doesn't spew or accept bullshit and who gives her all every day of the week.
My loyalty is legendary.

I engage in knitting, spinning, sewing, photography, creating art, writing, bead work, weaving, embroidery of all kinds, crochet, gardening, cooking and baking on a regular basis.

I love woodworking, carpentry, old houses, animals, fiddle music, radio, New England and am intrigued by anything quirky or unusual.

And I know a little about a lot of other things.
I know what I don't know.

Currently Reading
Wool - Hugh Howey
Edible Landscaping - Rosalind Creasy

My Shops
on Red Bubble (art & photography) - SJ Griffin
on Etsy (knitting, spinning & bags) - the Fibreworks
on ebay (stuff & thangs) - thefibreworks